The Point


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Looking backward...

People have always been fascinated by fireworks. From a handful of firecrackers to a 10" pyrotechnic display shell, fireworks have been fun for a very long time. Ever since their somewhat accidental discovery by the Chinese over 1,000 years ago, these magic instruments of fire have become a staple of entertainment and celebration amongst mankind. Used in religious ceremonies, cultural celebrations, social holidays or simply for the sake of goofing around, fireworks have become more and more diverse and popular as years have gone by.

Looking forward...

Our goal in creating this site is to open a forum of discussion for firework enthusiasts the world over in hopes of sharing information and trading in fireworks. We intend to develop this site according to the needs of its users, and offer as much of a variety as possible. Here are some of the features we'd like to include:

1) Information - Reviews, Resources, Tips and Techniques,
News and Literature, Links
2) Fireworks Flea Market - Buy. Sell. Trade. Auction.
3) Direct Sales - Discontinued/Hard-To-Find products.
4) Photographs - Products and Displays

As interest grows, we will add more features. However, to do so, we require the input of users to help us meet the demand, and further expand. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions, information or contributions that might help improve the site.

Furthermore, we are always looking to buy or trade fireworks, especially hard-to-find or discontinued items. Please contact us if you have products you wish to sell or exchange, as well as if you are looking for specific items for your collection or use.
Enjoy and play safe.